Family: Burseraceae | Genus: Garuga | Species: Garuga pinnata Roxb.( खरपत ) |
Habit |
Leaf |
Flower |
Fruit |
Bark |
Synonym | Garuga kenghar Buch.-Ham., Garuga pharhad Buch.-Ham., Kunthia cochinensis Dennst. | Flower Color | White |
Common Name | Kaikar, kharpat | Flower Type | Panicle |
English / Trade Name | Garuga | Flowering Period | April-June |
Vernacular /Local Name | Kharpat | Fruiting Period | July-Sept |
Altitude | Up to 1500 m | Fruit Type | Drupe |
Habit | Tree | Fruit Details | Drupe globose, smooth, greenish – yellow to black, about 2.5 cm across; pyrenes 2 – 3. |
Habitat | Common; dry deciduous forests of outer hills. Sub Himalayan tracts, Garhwal to Bhutan, S. India; Indomalaysia. | Bark Type | Exfoliating |
Distribution | Native of India, Pakistan, Malaya and Philippines. | Bark Details | Bark grey or brown, shallowly longitudinally furrowed, exfoliating in large irregular flakes |
Distribution in Haryana | Ambala, Morni-Pinjore, Yamuna Nagar | Origin | Native |
Leaf Type | Compound | ||
Leaf Arrangement | Opposite (leaves in pairs along stem) | ||
Leaf Shape | Pinnate | ||
Description of Species | Deciduous trees, to 20 m high. Leaves alternate, 15 – 40 cm long, estipules, imparipinnate, crowded towards the end of branches; leaflets ovate or oblong – lanceolate, 11 – 21 x 8 – 13 cm, crenate, long acuminate, oblique, more or less pubescent on both surfaces; petiolules 3 – 4 mm long. Flowers 6 – 7 mm long, yellow, in axillary tomentose panicles, 12 – 30 cm long, crowded towards the end of shoots. Drupe globose, smooth, greenish – yellow to black, about 2.5 cm across; pyrenes 2 – 3. | Leaf Details | Leaves alternate, 15 – 40 cm long, estipules, imparipinnate, crowded towards the end of branches; leaflets ovate or oblong – lanceolate, 11 – 21 x 8 – 13 cm, crenate, long acuminate, oblique, more or less pubescent on both surfaces; petiolules 3 – 4 mm long. |
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